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    @alphabetapie said in Will the Disc in the Tray (Disc Control) Ever Reset?:

    I just noticed that if I use disc control for any of my cue/m3u files (PlayStation, Sega CD, etc), it will stay load with whatever disc I left in the "drive" at last boot. Is there a setting I can turn on or config file I can edit that will force it to refresh and default back to disc 1 by default? Even if I choose the first disc from the game menu, it'll tell me disc 2 is in the drive at first launch (that happens after both a system restart and shut down).

    I know this is probably a niche request, and may not even be part of the official build. If not, I just wont' worry about it and manually set my disc via the disc control if needed. Just want to make sure I'm not overlooking a simple setting that will reset/default the disc control back to disc 1 always at first launch (to help those less-tech savy people that might play these when I'm not around). Any thoughts?

  • Can I Set the Disc Control Directory?

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    @efriim said in Can I Set the Disc Control Directory?:


    There are other default folders that can be set maybe it is one of those. It could be non-implimented though.

    I actually tried pulling the retroarch.cgf file and copying/pasting the folder I wanted it to open to to every single line that mentioned anything about a directory. That did change them all in the directory list when I loaded back into Retroarch, but disc control still defaults to the root of the main rom folder. Will have to track down the retroarch folks and ask them.

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    @mitu said in Shortcuts For Disc Swapping (Keyboard or Controller):

    @alphabetapie I feel like I responded to your question in my previous post.

    Somewhat. But the inputs in the config file are not clear that they represent both the keyboard commands (which I don't want), and the controller commands (which I do want). So I had to do some experimenting to sort that out on my own.

    But also, in doing that, it seems I found a much simpler way than searching the input_disk_next_btn line in the config file and adding the button command manually. Would it not have been easier to just use this menu and set the button presses here on the controller? It's an option that does exactly what I want. Just hidden in the hotkey menu.

    Here is what I mean below (and where some of the confusion comes from I think). At any rate, mission accomplished.
